Thursday, May 15, 2008


one whole day of stock-taking drained so much out of me. don't even talk about sales. didn't even have the strength to greet customers.

was stupid enough to leave my MP3 player in my bermudas pocket. yep. i drowned its life down the bucket with soap and detergent. there goes my birthday present that hardly lasted for a year. it's gonna be another 300 bucks minimum to get a replacement.

i'm so sorry guys, for i had been careless with the one so precious gift that meant so much to me, one which you guys forked out so much for.

i think it's beyond repair. a great expense incurred indeed.

a short nap in the school canteen felt like heaven for 20 minutes. i'm struggling very badly to simply just keep myself awake during all my classes. i failed half the time for this week already.

why does it seem that there is so much to be done? barely a week and surrounded by a horde of projects.

God. i need Your strength. i don't know how to face this world on my own. please give me a way of escape from the traps of negative attitudes, selective attention, and nonchalance, for they never fail to make breathing difficult for me.

though i can't feel You all the time, let me trust Your heart, and Your guiding light in the dark. Help me to live for no one else but for You and Your purpose. it doesn't matter if i'm alone or in the comfort of company; what matters most is that i've something to do for You every new day.

I love You. In Jesus' name i pray.


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