Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I just read Hong Jie's blog, and his latest entry..

somehow what he talked about made my mind churn even more. -_-

There's more to it than just chemistry in relationships.

yea that's very true isn't it? i mean, love is of the will, and not just the emotion..

but has anybody felt the emotion coming after you've made a choice to love? for my case, i'll have to say yes. it's really miraculous how i have been surged with loving emotions after i have made my choice to do so. come to think of it, i've never ever expected this to happen. at all. love is such a powerful force, that without proper management, you will just be overwhelmed.

there were many times when my eyes were caught with physical appearances first (but they always never worked out for me), but after this will-emotion experience, it just affirms in my heart that beauty really lies in the eyes of the beholder. somewhat seemingly this person was just a plain, normal, non-significant person. but after a choice made, lasting even till now (hopefully forever of course), the person just becomes more and more beautiful, attractive, charming. Delayed infatuation? i don't think so.. maybe it's the revelation of the one deep down inside, so much so that it exudes out of the person so ever brightly.

my chances with chemistry are VERY bad i feel. totally inexplicable. Sigh.

do you leave chemistry to chance, waiting for a double coincidence, or make it happen?

i guess each has equal success-failure rates.

i wish all you guys the best in all your relationships too! >.<

ok i'm so gonna get a fever if i don't rest now.

so many things to do! so many hours of work to commit!

ARGH JIA YOU! >.< you guys jia you too...

when emotions run dry, the will of love takes over.


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