Wednesday, August 6, 2008


there's only something in mind in which i wanna do on a sunday:

have lunch or dinner with someone. someone in mind, for a very long time.

but it's been so long, so very long i suppose. 'cause i can feel the distance draining the life within me. it makes me feel as though i'm dying?

busy-ness, other people, the arguments, the difficult times, somehow's just getting bigger, getting greater.

it seems so torn apart. it looks completely fine on the surface, but yet deep down inside, i don't even know what's left of this.

is this what God wants it to be? or is it something that the devil has dominion over and consuming it bit by bit? nothing stands neutral in this context here, but yet something deep inside me makes me hesitant in thinking that the devil is the real influence.

true and close friendships are beautiful things, a gift from the Father to the children in whom He loves so dearly.

of course i can't deny the fact that it bogs me down.

of all the things that i do not know, i am wholeheartedly sure that even if the flower of friendship were to die, my love i have for you will never change.

over the years, i found that no true love ever changes or turns sour. yes, we may tend to forget and be occupied with other things as we move on, but when you look back into the memories, your heart beats soulfully deep within; when you get closer and feel it, it's still as warm as ever.

everything on the face of the earth changes. all except true love. that's why God doesn't change.

hmm. it may not change, but it changes you. it ain't easy to take though. but i guess that's what it means by how people work issues of love out when they grow up (and grow old).

looks like i'm going to church alone again o_O

'cause the cell group is going for the second service whilst i have to go for the first one..

i hate to say this, but i kinda expected my sunday to be dried empty.

well i guess i'll just plan something out..

friday and saturday:
i'd like to go LAN gaming with all the pals yeah.. hopefully can play inhouse.. anyone up for it?

church in the morning of course..

the rest of the day.. hmm.. think i'll keep it booked till night.

still hoping for the lunch haha.. =/

is it wrong to desire? maybe not.. 'cause God has tons of desires..
just desire for the right thing.
and i hope i am.


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